Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Rewilding: Day One - Free Yourself

I signed up for a 30-day program called "Rewild Your Life". Today is Day One, and the first thing they ask us to do is:

"Set an intention. What would you like to receive from this experience? 
What would you like to give to this experience?"

Since intention is the key to the Universe, let's do this! I would like to receive a greater sense of stillness and calm in my heart. In return, I would like to generate ripples of peace and wonder to bless the world.

Next, they say this:

"Give yourself permission! We give you permission to connect with your wild side. To rewild your heart and mind. We give you permission to act differently; to find a new part of yourself that was hiding away. We give you permission to go out into the natural world and do nothing, say nothing and think nothing. We give you permission to look weird to others. We give you permission to run, crawl, roll, jump and howl.

Do you give yourself permission?"

Sure! I give myself permission to look like a weirdo (that's pretty much par for the course). I give myself permission to wonder "Am I doing this right?" and to immediately forgive myself (for truly, there is hardly ever only one "right" way of doing something). I give myself permission to be silly and daring. I give myself permission to open to the wildness around me and the wildness that lives within me (although it's gone dormant for a while).

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