Thursday, September 19, 2024

Today's Question: How is My Heart Rich?

How is my heart rich? My heart is rich in gratitude and resilience. Gratitude keeps me centered, and resilience keeps me hopeful. 

What does it mean to be "rich" anyway? When I consider this, I guess to me it means operating from a space of plenty, abundance, a cup overflowing. It means having and being "enough", with more to share. For me, my heart feels rich when I can connect with myself and others deeply, where joy that's shared is amplified. 

 "True wealth is of the heart, not of the purse."

- Og Mandino

Haiku for a Wealthy Heart:

Vessel overflows

Love shines like an inner sun

This is what "rich" means

#Grateful #Haiku #AWriterWrites #Love #TrueWealth

Monday, September 16, 2024

Today's Question: What simple pleasures am I grateful for?

I am grateful for my window out into the world - seeing the chipmunks scamper by, the wind in the tall grasses, hearing the chimes ring out from my tree. I am grateful to see the slowly expanding moss carpet on the ground, as it is nurtured by the welcome shade and rain. I am grateful for the first few leaves that fall from the trees, heralding the coming changing of the seasons.

I am grateful for today, this moment, and the opportunity to sit with a grateful heart. 

View from My Window

Chipmunk has business

And I continue my own

As he scampers on

#Grateful #Haiku #AWriterWrites #Window #Garden #ChipmunksInTheGarden