Tuesday, December 13, 2016


A shared smile hello
For every hug we traded
I am so grateful.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Today's Blackout

C'mon, wake up, my friend!
My words go out into the world
To touch, a random smile,
A life of its own.

And more, potential
Is a window in the right direction,
As beautiful as possible.

Today's Youku:"Ultimate"

Turns my frown upside
When I feel unlovable
He's the ultimate.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016


Have you ever heard of "blackout poetry"? I hadn't until recently. My dear hubs sent me a link and told me that he thought I'd be good at it. Time passed, and the link remained unviewed. So, he asked me again when I was feeling sad this week and urged me to give it a try.

He really does know me so well. He knows that I need a creative outlet. He knows, even when I am too modest to claim it, that I'm good with words. I have a poetic heart. (After lots of therapy, I'm getting closer to the place where I can say that without sarcastic laughter.) 

Words and I get along. :-)

So, blackout poetry is where you take something already written, such as a page from a book, newspaper, or in the case, a magazine. You select the message you'd like to express (or perhaps it chooses you?), and you black out the rest. 

Here's my first attempt. Hubs said it's long compared to what's usually done, but... it's my first attempt. It is what it was meant to be, I suppose. 

"I align with the life of the God in all.
I love to be present in the moment.

I'm witnessing the dawn of me.
I live in faith that just BEING is Grace.

My prayers right now, receive
and touch a mystery, a wilderness
of human experience.

They are all real."

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Today's Youku: "Beautiful"

Yes, I've got extra
curves, words, heart, smarts, sass and ass
And, I'm beautiful.

Today's Youku: "Mesh"

"Mesh", he said sweetly
One of many inside jokes
That mean, "I love you."

Monday, January 25, 2016

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Thursday, January 14, 2016


How are we cultivating the grounds of our hearts? God dreams bigger for us than we do for ourselves. "I dreamed myself a journalist once, when I'm meant to inscribe the truth of who I AM on the walls of my own soul."  heart emoticon


Before, I dreamed of tomorrows
That have not yet become todays
I wonder which seeds, joys or sorrows
Were past planted, took root, and might stay.
Did I sow those seeds in better times
In dreams, and trust, and bliss
Or buried my essence with darker thoughts
And with faithless heart, insist.
One day, each seed in the heart blooms
Called forth and nurtured by breath
Revealed in their truth, they demand
A life before their own death.
Today, I choose a new dream
Scatter fresh seeds to sacred ground
In a fertile heart of hopefulness
And await a great joy to abound.
So bring on the rains of my gladness
To wash from me stains of all doubt
For my dreams today call forth Beauty
Letting this Love in my heart ring out.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016


If life is like cake
May yours be sweetened with joy
And frosted with love.


So easy to plan
Yes, I shall do this or that
We plan, and God laughs.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

One of the Good Ones

Superb. Only word 
That captures the day I've had.
I only have thanks.

Making His Bed

One of my favorite sounds? A dog working so hard to "make his bed".

Dog, go make your bed,
Now tussle, wrestle blankets.
One snort says he's done.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Good Night

Tired, my peepers
My bed is there, whispering 
Goodnight, my good day.

Sorry, Not Sorry

I really love this. Like, really really love this. I saw it a while back, and I keep thinking about it.
I recognize that I've historically walked around in my life doing exactly this, apologizing for so much, when what I'm really trying to do is say "Thank You".
At times, it feels like I'm apologizing for my very existence, for taxing the folks around me with my various and sundry needs, my ups and downs, my presence and absence in your life.
I'm certain this stems from this faulty belief that I am not enough (good enough, smart enough, pretty enough, kind enough, patient enough, wealthy enough, blah blah blah.)
I call BULLSHIT on myself. No more apologizing for not being enough. I am enough; in fact, I'm MORE than enough! (And SO ARE YOU, by the way.)
I say THANK YOU for calling me on it, should I forget. And I say THANK YOU for your patience, understanding, and love.
Consider yourself hugged. heart emoticon

Wednesday, January 6, 2016


Snuggled so sweetly
Two peas in their little pod
I love these damn dogs.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016


Chirping, in its nest
Happy, its little greeting
Hello, feathered friend.

Monday, January 4, 2016


Monday came too soon
Holidays all packed away
Life, full steam ahead.